Full Disclosure: Thoughts on my eating disorder

It’s 1am and that’s the only reason why I’m even posting this. Tomorrow I’m going to regret it. I don’t like talking about my eating disorder. I would love to ignore the fact this is happening to me. But I really can’t ignore it because it’s staring me in the face and I feel like it’s winning and I’m terrified.

A lot of people believe that eating disorders are a cry for attention. That might be true for some people, but there comes a point when everyone suffering from an eating disorder hides it. I hide it. I have hidden it. When I started at 10 I hid it. Maybe I’m a sucker for punishment or maybe this is the next step in my self-constructed recovery plan, but either way I feel like I need to put my story out there. Like in its entirety, not just the parts I’m more comfortable with sharing. This is on my blog because nobody reads my blog anyway. It can still be a secret, right? I’m not so sure that’s what I really want….

At a girls conference in 2006 when Natalie Grant put a name to the thing I’d been doing I cried. I knew that I wasn’t glorifying God with my choices and at the age of 12 I was already in so deep I had no idea how to get out. I talked to my mom after puking my guts out on a bus. On the trip they didn’t allow us to skip meals. By the end of the long weekend I felt so stuffed and sick and I felt so hopeless about my eating disorder I couldn’t fight it. What followed was severe depression and thoughts of suicide. I hid that as well. I hid in my room, even though that’s where my demons were. I hid from my family. I didn’t have any friends. Not one. I was completely alone. Except I wasn’t.

I read the Psalms through multiple times. God pulled me out. God showed me I was worth more than my self-esteem. He captured my attention. He took my mind off the excruciating pain in my stomach. He took my mind off of myself. He conquered the disorder.(For more about this time see my previous blog posts. I surprisingly have an easier time talking about how I almost killed myself.)

I shared my testimony at church and the result was a woman in her 20s shared her own story with me. For the first time in my life I felt like it wasn’t just me (and only recently my mom) fighting a hidden war.

In the 8th grade I wore a size zero. I have been the same height since before then, yet I was probably 110 pounds and a size zero.

By the time I hit freshman year I’d put on 15 more pounds, but that was mostly in the womanly areas. With the stress of school and the lack of motivation to pack a lunch I slipped into a really sucky pattern of only eating once a day: when getting home from school. I remember Rebekah making comments about how our (my two next oldest brothers and my’s) eating patterns were indicative of eating disorders but I thought in my head “I eat a lot more than I used to, I’m doing fine.”

I wasn’t doing fine and when we did BMI’s in my gym class I scored a 19. Which is technically normal. but barely. And for me, my BMI is always going to be a little higher than it should be. My teacher didn’t even blink. I ached. I burned. I screamed. I wanted someone to take me aside and help me. But I was too afraid, too ashamed to ask for help. Towards the end of the year life started normalizing(what does that even mean? Life hasn’t been normal since I started down this road….) and I gained 10 more pounds.

One day my sophomore year I had a panic attack and ended up spending half of the day in the counselors office. My period was late and I was terrified that I was losing it. Again. The only reason I went to the counselor was because my former detasseling bus driver(who also teaches biology) saw me crying in the hall during lunch break and practically dragged me there. I lucked out in the counselors office.

The woman who I ended up talking to was subbing for another counselor. After talking for a little while she did a huge public school no-no, one that probably saved me life. She said “I’m guessing your faith is very important to you. Well, Grace…” And she proceeded to speak the word of God into my life. It turns out she was home fundraising to return to the mission field and had picked up the sub job as a favor to a former coworker. We talked. My mom showed up. We talked some more. I went home early. My mom called and set me up an appointment with the doctor. We went. We talked. We were referred to the psychiatrists office across the hall. We scheduled an appointment. We canceled a week later. We decided to do our own recovery.

Now I’m wondering if we should’ve kept the appointment.

Seven years and 40 pounds later and I haven’t changed at all. I feel like my mind is broken.

I hate the feeling of constant starvation. I hate the feeling of being stuffed beyond anything because of a piece of toast. I hate the fluctuation between pigging out one day and spending the next curled up in the fetal position. I hate getting dizzy when I stand up. I hate the stretch marks that line my hips and thighs. I hate that little pooch that sticks out over my jeans. I hate the lanugo. I hate seeing little droplets of water getting caught in it when I shower. I hate that glaring 145 whenever I step on the scale. I hate thinspiration. I hate the eating disorder section in every nutrition and psychology class I’ve ever been in. I hate that I have big hands. I hate fat jokes. I hate thin jokes. I hate our societies fixation on weight. I hate that it isn’t another philosophical discussion that I can get impersonally angry about. I hate that my ribs, sternum and collar bone stick out. I hate that I’ve never thought of myself as thin. I hate that I’m terrified of being bigger than I am now. I hate that I can’t trust what I see in the mirror. I hate that I gain weight when I exercise. I hate that at any given moment I could vomit. I hate that I’ve hurt everyone that’s important to me. I hate that I isolate myself. I hate that I like the isolation. I hate when people ask “how are you” and all I can think is “I can’t tell you.” I hate how vulnerable I am. I hate that I can’t do this on my own. I hate that this ever happened in the first place. I hate that my coworkers make sharp comments about the disease. I hate that they don’t know. I hate that one of my residents guessed it and called me out on it. I hate that I can’t go a single day without being reminded. I hate that I cry at church every week because I’m reminded that I am completely wretched and God is completely forgiving. I hate that I’ve lost sight of the victory I have in Christ.

I hate that I feel like I did this to myself. I hate that I feel like God isn’t bigger than my problem.

I need Jesus. Desperately.

And for whoever is reading this(ugh I’m so pathetic) I need you to be vocal. I need you to text me, call me, message me, do whatever you have to do to tell me that I’m not alone and that I can do it. Even when I’m crabby and get angry I need you to do it. Don’t ask me what I ate. Don’t tell me to eat. Tell me I can survive. Remind me that God is bigger.

Posted in Relationship | 2 Comments

Great is Thy Faithfulness: 2013 in Review

I was driving home from work last night and listening to my favorite Highland Park Writers Collective CD (Tearing Down. Buy it. Listen to it. Love it.) when the song “Watch” came on. My mind’s eye ripped me from December 2013 to December 2012. I’m still in my car, but it’s day time and I’m whizzing around the corner headed home from school, not work. The same song is playing.

Silently my soul will wait/For you alone to come and save/Though I cannot see the end/I know you’re working out your plan./You’re my stronghold/You’re my only hope/I lift my prayer to you/my God who’s near to me.

Class is done for the semester. I’m not signed up for the next semester because I’m dead broke and I don’t have a job. I don’t know how I’m going to even pay my cell phone bill and car insurance, much less pay my parents back for my car. The only way I can describe the feelings I felt that day is complete and utter hopelessness.

The song reminded me that God is in control even when it’s hopeless. That God takes care of His children. God fulfills His promises.

So I bawled my eyes out.

New Years eve 2012 I had no idea how many blessings God was waiting to pour out on me or how faithful He would be in the storms. This list is by no means comprehensive, but here are ten things that happened in 2013:


1. I got a job.

January 15th, 2013 I started working at WCC. I could go on forever about how this job has been God’s blessing in my life. I learn so much there. I have made wonderful relationships with people. I’ve grown as an individual and as a worker because frankly, it’s hard. WCC opened the door for a second job. I earned my medication aide certification through WCC. I was able to watch the changing of a wound vac. If that isn’t the coolest thing I’ve ever observed I really don’t know what is. I’ve met a lot of wonderful people, but I’ve said goodbye to just as many. I felt complete joy when I watched a stroke patient walk again and I felt utter sorrow when months later that same person walked for the last time. You live and die a million times in a year at a nursing home.


2. I read nine non-fiction books.

I know all y’all had high hopes for me to get to twelve. I had high hopes for me as well, but alas. Here I’ll list the books I read and give one word to describe my reaction to them.

January: Francis Chan Forgotten God: Revolutionary

February: C.S. Lewis Surprised by Joy: The Shape of my Early Life: Interesting

March: Max Lucado When God Whispers Your Name: Over-simplified

April: C.S. Lewis The Problem of Pain: Hard

May: C.S. Lewis The Great Divorce: Provocative

June: C.S. Lewis The Four Loves: Challenging

July: Paul Tournier Guilt and Grace: Mindf- (Seriously. Read it.)

August: Paul Tournier To Understand Each Other: Extraneous (But truly genius.)

September: Walter A. Henrichson Disciples are Made, Not Born: Educational

October: Textbooks

November: Textbooks

December: Textbooks

Needless to say, the textbooks didn’t teach me a fraction of what those other books did.


3. I found a church

In December 2012 I felt God leading me to find a new church to attend as an adult. I had thought I’d found a good place to be in January, but after getting into my routine at work I found that only going to church every other week wasn’t good for my spiritual health. One Saturday night after work I texted a good friend of mine asking if his church had an evening service. His response: “It just started, if you hurry you can make it in time for the sermon!” I’ve been going there ever since.


4. I went on a date

For most people this really isn’t a big deal, but yes. It was kind of a significant moment in my life for one reason only: I started to question what I want. I started to seriously think about the type of person I want to spend my life with. I also started to seriously question the institution of marriage. A year ago I was sold on the whole happily ever after thing, but a today I couldn’t be in a more different spot. Marriage is great, but it’s probably not in my near future. I like being single. A lot. A lot a lot a lot.


5. I scheduled an appointment with my dream school

After two years of dreaming and wishing and hoping I finally gritted my teeth and set up an appointment to get information about admissions to my dream nursing school. The result? Two weeks later I signed a contract saying that if I fulfilled a list of parameters(primary of which is that I keep my cumulative GPA above 3.8) then I would have guaranteed admissions at my choice of campus fall 2015. I missed the first appointment. I almost didn’t reschedule. I almost didn’t go to the appointment. I almost didn’t check my high school GPA to see if I qualified for the honors admissions program because I doubted it was good enough. I almost lost it after one semester because of the ridiculously high GPA requirement. But God is faithful.


6. I went out of my comfort zone with my personal ministry

When Kim Havenstein called me and asked if I wanted to lead a freshman women’s bible study my first thought was “I can’t. I really just can’t.” I had just gotten in my car after work. Kim called at the beginning of the 20 minute drive. I told her I’d pray about it. By the time I reached home God had given me His answer. I’m pretty sure I’ve learned more from that study than my girls.


7. God reminded me of who I am

and as a result I’m filling out an intimidating 13 page trip application.


8. God loaded my bank account

At the beginning of the semester I was resigning myself to either another semester off or a small loan for Spring 2014. My agreement with dream nursing school took the semester off out of the picture. Yet somehow I have a month and a half to come up with roughly the amount I’m expecting on my tax return. How? I would say I’m working my butt off, but I know it’s bigger than that. Yes I’m working my butt off, but God definitely had his hand on even that because even though I was taking roughly the equivalent of 20 credit hours as well as working 15-20 hours a week while maintaining a piano student


9. I only got sick one day out of the whole semester

If this isn’t a miracle I don’t know what is.

But this semester hasn’t been completely healthy. If I’m being completely honest, dear readers, you should know


10. I relapsed

And I’m going to lay down my pride here and say I need help. I’m crabby and hungry and stuffed and annoyed and fat and thin and nauseated and dizzy and I can’t do it by myself anymore. Help.

Posted in Thankful Thursday | 1 Comment

The Secret to Contentment

They say inspiration strikes at the most inopportune times(Well I say that) and this is an exact case of that. I have probably the biggest final I’ve ever had in my life in a little under two days, I haven’t studied nearly enough for it, and something brilliant just came to me in the shower. So like all good students, I’m studying for criminal justice… HAH!

Now as a few-months-shy-of-twenty teen you’re all probably reading the title of my post and thinking “What the heck does she know about contentment?”

Well. It’s not very easy being a college student who actually wants the career she’s studying for. It’s not easy being the youngest of seven kids when all your best friends are marrying your brothers, leading to the coupling and giggling and disgusting girl things that make me want to vomit. Like cuddling. Who came up with cuddling anyway? I digress. It’s not easy being a severe introvert and still living with the parentals at 20(especially when I was dead set on moving out right when I turned 18). It’s not easy having a heart for the nations but no means of getting there.

Did you know that no matter how “rich” a person is, they never see themselves as rich. I went to school with a bunch of rich kids and they all said “we’re not rich, those kids down south are rich.” and the kids down south say “We’re not rich, those kids over east are rich.” I say “Oh we’re not rich, those people at east and south are rich.” But people who grew up downtown are saying “Wow, Grace is so rich.” This isn’t isolated to my experience, there are studies that show that it doesn’t matter where on the social class totem pole an individual is, they’re always looking at the next person up and saying “Oh no, I’m not rich, that person is.”

I’m not rich. I work 20 hours a week in order to pay tuition to work another 20 hours a week in order to graduate from nursing school with a degree that says I can work 50 hours a week. I live with my parents, I drive a junky car, I work three jobs, I barely sleep, I barely eat, I am definitely not rich.

And yet I am. I am one of the richest people on the face of the planet.

The secret to contentment is thanks given to the one who deserves it.

I go to college. I know what I want to be when I leave college. I have guaranteed admission to my dream nursing school provided I keep my GPA up. I have the tenacity to keep my GPA up. My parents put up with me. I don’t have to pay rent. I haven’t been kicked out of my parents house because of my snotty, stressed out, childish, dead-week behavior. I’m already working in the field I want to be in. I love my job. I really love my job. My two jobs are the direct provision of my heavenly father who gives me exactly what I need. I have a heavenly father who keeps me away from things that I want, but would harm me in the long run.  I am the bride of one who is capable of fulfilling every desire. I am the bride of one who desires to fulfill my every desire. I belong to the Healer. I belong to the Forgiver. I belong to the Lover. I belong to the One who gives rest. I can hold the hand that holds the world…

Yeah, I’m single. I don’t care. Yeah, I’m still living at home. So what? Yeah I don’t ever sleep. I can sleep when I’m dead. Yeah I might fail those finals I have. Yeah I might die in a plane crash. Yeah I might never hold my own kids or walk down the aisle. But who cares? I am so richWhy would I begrudge a few coins when I’m Smaug in his dragon cave?

A final thought: Why are you even discontented? Is it because you desire something good, or is it because there’s a sin in your life that you aren’t giving over to God? Perhaps the desire for a spouse is actually lust. Perhaps the hatred for your job is actually pride. Perhaps the reason why you aren’t happy living with your parents is because you refuse to forgive. Think about it.


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You Must Be So Important

It’s November! And with November comes a specific milestone in my life that used to produce melancholy, but now only brings rejoicing! Yes, folks, on November 19th, 2006 I puked on a bus and laid my eating disorder at the feet of the high King.

I always second guess myself when I say that I ended my eating disorder on that day when I still struggle with anorexia to this day. For some strange reason my first instinct in reaction to stress is to starve myself. I would say it’s a survival instinct, but no. Starving yourself isn’t Darwinian by any stretch of the imagination. Regardless, I still claim that day as a day of victory for one fact and one alone: That was the day that Jesus conquered my sin and became Lord of that area of my life. Do I covet his lordship and try to take it back? Absolutely. Does my sin and disobedience make him any less Lord? Never.

The months that followed that fateful night were hard, to say the least. I think I’ve recounted this numerous times on this here bloggasaurus, but I never really get tired of sharing God’s work in my life, so I’m going to reiterate. November 20th, 2006 was the day that Satan started attacking me. By God’s grace I was given discernment between the voice of God and the voice of Satan. Without this maybe I would have taken the pills. For what felt like months the devil whispered in my ear “This isn’t worth it. You’re worthless. The only way to make the pain go away is to end your life.”

For all of you recovering anorexics out there maybe you can relate to the pain I’m talking about. Aside from the obvious emotional pain that was happening in my life, there was the “I haven’t eaten this much in years, but I’m so hungry” pain. It’s like the discomfort of eating too much at a buffet amplified by a thousand. It’s the pain that makes you want to throw up in the slight hope that it might alleviate the pressure.

So night after night I would lie in the fetal position on my bed, the devil whispering in one ear and my savior whispering in the other. Satan telling me “You’re worthless.” and my heavenly father telling me “You are so valuable, I have so much planned for you.”

In my anguish I turned to reading through the Psalms over and over again. Psalms 40 became my daily reading.

1 I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in him.

I cried out to God and this passage gave me confidence that not only did He hear me, but that he was going to pull me out of it.

As I grew in my faith and relationship with God the spiritual warfare didn’t lessen. If anything it grew worse, but my attitude was completely different.

The harder Satan tried to get me to end my life, the more I realized how important I am to God.

“I must be so important to God that the devil hates me this much. God must really have big things in store for me since Satan is trying so hard to kill me.”

On a day not long afterward God met me during a worship service. I rushed to a closet to meet with my God, and there He wooed me. He said “Grace I have a plan. You are so important. Will you do it.”

and like a fool I asked “God how big is this? How much of me do you want?”

God’s response “Dream your biggest dream, my plan for you is bigger. Give me everything. Totally surrender to me.”

And that’s how I got the name for my original blog.

Posted in Relationship | 2 Comments

25 and Brain Development

My dad is constantly pulling out this line: “Once you’re 25 then your reason will have developed”

Well folks, in case you’ve forgotten in the however long hiatus I’ve taken I’ll let you know. I’m 19.6. So according to my daddy I haven’t developed my reason yet.

Well I’ve looked up the study that he’s always referring to and it basically is a scientific study that says that your brain isn’t finished developing until you’re 25 and the last part of your brain to develop is the part that makes decisions based on the long term outcome.

Now I’m not going to do the tests or anything, but I think that part of my brain has finished developing. If it hasn’t then I’m pretty sure I’m going to go crazy. This is my life.

“Oh hey, I’m in some serious pain. Maybe I should take some ibuprofen. But man, I haven’t eaten in a really long time. I don’t really have any food on me. I really don’t want a stomach ulcer. I guess I’ll live with the pain.”

“Oh my good lord that cigarette smells so good. Maybe I should take up smoking. But you know I really don’t have the money and I don’t want to get lung cancer. I don’t really want to put myself into an addiction like that.”

“Oh hey, it’s 1am, I should go to bed. Nah, I’ll write a blog post about making wise life decisions and drink coffee in the morning instead. But gosh darn it all that’s a dependence as well and I don’t want to  have to get up early enough every single morning to make coffee just to avoid a caffeine deprivation headache. Let’s face it, I don’t have enough money to buy coffee. I guess I’ll just be miserable in class tomorrow. It’s just Nutrition. Open note tests. That class doesn’t matter anyways. Maybe I’ll just skip. Nah. He doesn’t upload the power points.”

Why do my seemingly insignificant life decisions trigger psychological crises?

Darnit, I’d better go to bed.

This has been random musings with an exhausted college student(new blog name?) I’m going to finally go to sleep. After 12 hours of wanting to sleep but procrastinating crawling in bed….

Posted in Random Anecdotes | 1 Comment

Lazy Monday: Learning to Love

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket – safe, dark, motionless, airless – it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable.” -C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

Basically this quote sums up what I’ve been learning and struggling with in the past God only knows how long.

Sometimes loving and being loved takes a lot of guts. But the alternative is more terrifying.

Have I mentioned I love C. S. Lewis? His books are one of the little luxuries…

Posted in Lazy Mondays | 1 Comment

Cat Attack. Help

Wait did I say cat? That’s not the word.

I’ve been experiencing this really strange phenomenon lately. I’m not sure if this is an external attack of my mind or a consequence of my crazy schedule….

But I’m experiencing a certain level of social anxiety.

I’ve always been an anxious person to begin with, but I’ve never particularly cared about what people think…

That was until I started working at my current job.

Being a full subscriber to the scientific method I’ll tell you all the different factors that might contribute to my social anxiety.

1. I am entirely around people I don’t know very well. I NEVER hang out with my old friends. And by never I mean very rarely.

2. The gossip-mill is very active. My coworkers criticize everyone else, why not me?

3. I’m working around 50 hours a week. Including three 12 hour shifts. I’m tired.

4. My church going is erratic. I don’t go to the same service each week. I don’t see the same people each week. I don’t really have an opportunity to actually develop relationships with people.

I’m going to say that there are probably more things to it, and all of them contribute to my anxiety, but the end result is that whenever I’m in public I feel like I have to prove to everyone that I’m worth their time. Unfortunately due to my exhaustion I can’t form coherent thoughts and I lose my filter. I say things without thinking about them and in the end I feel like I’ve either wasted people’s time by saying stuff that makes no sense, or that I’ve somehow inadvertently insulted these people and they now hold me in contempt.

I don’t want to leave my house now.

This is a problem.

I don’t even know why I’m writing this. You’ll probably all think I’m some crazy emotionally unstable person who needs affirmation from everyone. Well you’re probably right if you think that.

I need help.


Posted in Relationship | 2 Comments


Dear Bloggasaurus,

I know this is going to be difficult for you to take,

but I’ve met someone else.

Someone who pays me lots of money for my time….

their names are

::insert place of work::


::insert other place of work::

Seriously, I would love to write on you all day long

and tell you how there’s no way I’m going to finish Confessions this month, or even this year!

and how my resident has prophesied 10 kids onto me.

How life is messy

and complicated

and how you’d think that killing peo- No, hold on… Sorry, that’s Starki- No, hold on… Sorry, that’s Doctor Who.

How I’m scared

and angry

and worried

and trying my hardest to be still and know that He is God.

How I’m at my breaking point.

How I’m two seconds from the blissful, terrifying release of total surrender.

Not by some magnificent feat of faith,

but by complete and utter desperation.

Complete and utter failure.

I can’t do it.

I can’t control it all.

I can’t pay for college without going into debt.

I can’t blog and work and read all at once.

I don’t have the time.

I’m sorry it has to be you first,

Dear Bloggasaurus.

We can still be friends.

I’ll still drop by sometimes.

But don’t hold your breath every week.

Or even every month.

But don’t worry about me.

God has me in the palm of His hand.

And even though I have no idea how it’s going to ever work out….

It will.

Because God rewards those who earnestly seek Him

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Intellectualism and Joy

You all know the type of people I’m talking about…. The snobby smart people.

“I don’t like Doctor Who because the special effects are so bad and the plot is so predictable and the monsters are so hokey.”

“I don’t listen to Nickelback because their sounds is so mainstream.”

You all call them hipsters, but I think this type of snobbery goes beyond hipster…. It’s intellectual cancer that steals joy.

There’s nothing that deflates my happy balloon quite like someone criticizing something that was created for the sole purpose of being enjoyed. So you didn’t enjoy it. Okay. Well I did. Your supposed smartness didn’t do anything except rob you of joy. And maybe me a little bit too.

Remember when you were a kid and everything was exciting? The neighborhood park felt like Worlds of Fun and the local walmart was the size of the Mall of America? You could sit and watch Arthur or Star Wars or The Lion King for hours without even thinking about plot formation or character development or how good the animation/special effects are.

Those were the good days. The days of joy.

I ran into this when I watched The Lion King at the age of 15. I had already read Hamlet(and had been told that The Lion King is similar to Hamlet) so the whole time I was comparing the two stories. On top of that I’m not a huge animal fan. The end result was me wasting two hours of my life on a kids movie that I was too snobbish for. Instead of enjoying the movie I was critiquing it. My only comment at the end was “Hamlet is better. Nobody dies in The Lion King…”

I get a lot of crap because of that.

In How I Met Your Mother, when Barney and Nora are dating it comes out that Nora doesn’t like Ewoks. Barney freaks out thinking that Nora was over the age of 12 when Star Wars came out, which would mean she is 37 and Nora lied to him. He later finds out that she didn’t watch star wars until she was older and she really is 29.

Nora is a snob.

Children are too smart to be above things. If they’re excited about something they let it show. If they enjoyed something they say so. They are pure and honest and untainted by expectations of what something should be like. Untainted by reality.

Jesus talks about how the Kingdom of God belongs to child-like people. People who come to Him honestly and openly.

I think in my relationship with God I have a history of being a spiritual grown up. Of being too responsible and mature to come running to Jesus. In every day life it’s all well and good to be responsible and mature. I guess. But Jesus longs for something different. Not for the snobbish, intellectual enjoyment of Him, but the childlike glee of untainted joy.

We’ve lost that. We’re all a bunch of snobs that are too grown up for Jesus. Too caught up in our theology and science. Too stuck in the issues to just revel in the person of God. Take a moment and revel, folks. Take back joy.

Posted in Religion | 1 Comment

Reading Update

Life has been a little bit crazy here at the Graceful houshoulde, so I haven’t been up on my blogging much.  You know with the second job and whatnot. It’s been insane. I took a nap yesterday though. It was amazing.

Anyways. I thought I would immortalize my New Years progress here. I was finishing up my June book(The night of June 30th) and thinking back and I had to think way too much to remember what I’d already read. So here goes.

January: Forgotten God – Francis Chan

February: Surprised by Joy: The Shape of my Early Life - C. S. Lewis

March: When God Whispers Your Name - Max Lucado

April: The Problem of Pain - C. S. Lewis

May: The Great Divorce - C. S. Lewis

June: The Four Loves - C. S. Lewis

This might be ambitious, but I’m going to at least start reading Augustine’s Confessions. (C. S. Lewis references Augustine a lot and since I’m having such a good time reading Lewis….)

With how much I’ve been working blogging might become more sporadic, but I will still try to blog at least once a week. Sorry for any inconvenience to you OCD people who need things to only happen on specific days. Just kidding, I’m the only one that needs that. And people wonder why I make lists. And sleep. And read for the sake of escapism. I can’t handle my own thoughts!!!!! I’m ending this now before I start thinking too much and have a panic attack. Thinking never did me any good anyways.

Posted in Random Anecdotes | 3 Comments