Happy 2012

So it’s 2012! Woohoo happy new year! right now is a time for reflections….


I would like to reflect on a previous post on my blog. Three years ago I ranted on my blog and apparently more people then just Rebekah read it, because I got a good 40 hits. Which is crazy for me, cuz usually it’s just Rebekah who reads this stuff. Anyway, the post was ranting about how much I hate holidays. Well folks, I still hate holidays. Not much has changed since then. But this brings me to reiterate a point that was most likely stated in that post(I should probably go back and read the original post. Pardon for a few minutes)

……Five minutes later…….

MKay now that I’ve sufficiently lost my train of thought I’m going to talk about new years resolutions. Okay folks. If you haven’t caught on to this yet, I’m slightly pessimistic when it comes to myself and my life and the people around me and their motives. I fully subscribe to Thomas Hobbes’ pessimistic philosophy that man is inherently bad. Anyone ever heard of human nature? BUt I also believe that man is inherently selfish. Even me. Which is why I hate holidays. Not because of my family, my family is great. But everybody else… I can’t stand them around the holidays!

I heard the true meaning of christmas at church and on the radio once. That was it. All my friends were talking about presents and annoying relatives and bla bla bla. How hard is it to put God in the center? Really? Can we please just talk about how Jesus came down to earth in the form of a helpless baby?

Today(New years hardy-har-har) everybody is going to make a billion new years resolutions to “Better their lives”. You know, all those great things like breaking bad habits, forming new habits, watching the same movie every month, you know! New Year’s resolutions. These things are all well and good and whatever you know to each his own. Personally, I would LOVE for someone to tell me the point. Cuz from where I stand, it’s just one more thing to worry about. You know what my new years resolution is this year? (Is this allowed? Am I going to jinx it? Wthynkle, I don’t care.)

I”m not going to worry as much. Worry? What’s that!?

Looking back on this past year(urgh I can’t remember most of it…) I’ve spent a lot of time worrying about stuff. My health, college, boys, etc. and frankly, who gives a flying duck?

Considering Christ and his role in my life, I should be the most care-free person in the world. I fully subscribe to “Jesus take the wheel” (The idea, not the terrible country song) and I believe that God is sovereign and that He has an incredible plan for my life. So why should I worry? God has it under control.

“But Grace! God doesn’t care about the little things!”

yeah he does. If God wants me to stop eating so much pizza, he’s gonna make that happen. Yes it’s a struggle, but if I wake up in the morning with an earnest desire to glorify God in that day, I don’t need to make a resolution for change to happen. This is how I”ve lived my life for the past week and guess what! I’m eating more veggies. God is good. Hopefully he’ll put his goodness towards losing those 10 lbs I’ve gained on ice cream and pizza lol.


but seriously.

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One Response to Happy 2012

  1. bekahcubed says:

    “I believe that God is sovereign and that He has an incredible plan for my life. So why should I worry? God has it under control.”

    Amen. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Wanna teach Sunday School this morning? (Just Kidding-I’ll be content if you only mold an amazing clay something for the potter’s house illustration. :-P)

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