Lazy Monday: Philosophy

Philosophy: the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, especially with a view to improving or reconstituting them: the philosophy of science.(Thank you,

The philosophy I’m going to talk about today is half formed in my mind and it might not get much farther than that throughout the post, but it’s Monday and I’m lazy. As a piano teacher and a musician I’ve been thinking about my philosophy in teaching a lot lately(and by a lot I mean in the shower.) It’s tricky knowing what is important to teach and what can go by the wayside. What will be carried on in their musical studies and what will eventually be worthless.

I teach from Faber and Faber’s Piano Adventures. The reasons for this are threefold.

1. I learned from them(;)) so I’m familiar with all the songs and I don’t humiliate myself too much when I play the teacher duets with the kids. haha

2. The songs are downright fun(as a result of…)

3. They emphasize the universal rules and techniques of music that aren’t tied to one specific instrument.

It’s a fact that every piano teacher has had to or will have to face: Most piano students move on to other instruments once they get older.


As a result I spend less time focusing on piano mechanics and technique and focus more on musical expression and law. I want my students to be able to sightread notes and dynamics and be able to apply it on the first attempt. I want my students to know the mathematics of note values, rest values, time signatures, etc.

When learning the wrist float off, the mechanical action of the wrist is not important. What is important is the feel of the song. The grace of the music affecting the motion of your body. Having a definitive way of communicating that the phrase is done. Hopefully your hand looks like a jellyfish in the process…. but really it’s just the breath between sentences.

Anyways. My end goal is that if/when my students leave my studio in pursuit of other, more illustrious instruments, they will have a base that will make the transition easy.

The true beauty of learning an instrument is the discipline you learn. You practice every day. You work a piece up for the scrutiny of all when you have recitals. You get in the habit of processing a lot of information in the space of a second. You learn to take criticism and pick yourself up and make yourself better because of it(Something you don’t learn in a large classroom.) Not to mention hand-eye coordination. These skills aren’t specific to music. You can take these skills into your life and apply them in every kind of situation. Send your kids to learn an instrument! (Start rant)And if the teacher you pick doesn’t spend any time on theory, you’re wasting your time and money!(End rant)

I shall end my post with some Jane Austen.

So! I shall end an old maid and teach your ten children to play their instruments and embroider cushions very ill!(Rebekah)

Posted in For the Love of Music | 1 Comment

Lazy Books

Lazy: Me.

the end.

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that I’m too lazy to write lazy posts? Yes, I could make a million excuses for why I didn’t post on Monday, and some of them may or may not be legitimate, but I’m not going to do that to you guys. Just kidding! The long and short is that two weeks ago as you may know I had noro virus and had to call into work on a Sunday. Because of that I had to work the following Saturday even though it was my weekend off. I had been planning to go visit my sister in Columbia but I wasn’t too sure if I could go. Well I decided to heck with it and went anyway. I came home on Monday and didn’t feel like blogging BECAUSE I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. As a result I had a million half-formed lazy posts and no energy to think them through.

This exhaustion has chased me into this week, but yesterday I mopped the kitchen floor and did the dishes and whatnot, so I figured I could write a post. The question is what about…

As I have mentioned numerous times before I’m doing this thing where I’m reading a non-fiction book a month. January it was Francis Chan, February it was C. S. Lewis, March I read a book by Max Lucado. For April I had intended to read Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer by good ol’ Jack, but yesterday I was bleeding all over myself and God and I decided prayer isn’t really something that’s lacking in my life right now. There’s another book by Lewis that I’ve been longing to read ever since I read Surprised by Joy in February. The Problem of Pain. C. S. Lewis addresses the question “If God is so good then why is there pain?”

I did a quick library search and saw that the only copies of TPOP could be found at the downtown library, which closes at 1700. It was 1714 when I checked. Curses. At that point I realized that most of the C. S. Lewis works that I enjoy oh so much would be locked up in the prison downtown where I with my long days have no hope of ever freeing them(It’s no wonder Lewis gets weeded so much. All the people who read his works have jobs!)

For my birthday my parents gave me a small sum of money. I was intending to either save it or buy a book with it(either Grudem’s Systematic Theology or a collection of C. S. Lewis’s non-fiction works.)


Now I don’t have to brave one way streets or fight with the parking enforcement(because I have no coins) In order to get my Lewis fix… Thanks Mom and Dad!

Posted in Lazy Mondays | 3 Comments

Extra Lazy Wednesdays: DREAMS

Dream: A wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep.

I’ve had a lot of dreams. When I was a little girl I wanted to be an entomologist. Then I had a dream I was an entomologist and I woke up in a cold sweat. I stopped dreaming of being an entomologist. Then I dreamed of being a concert pianist. That one lasted for a long while. It was killed by laziness and a lack of aptitude. After pianist was ethnomusicologist. A fancy word for ethnic music geek. That lasted until the summer after my junior year when I took a CNA class. The result was a long bit of praying and eventually a change in dream.

If I’ve ever dreamed of never being something it was a nurse. I refused to be in the medical field. Blood, needles, wounds, sick people….. no. not me. never.

And yet my dream changed. I don’t know how that happened.

I’ve always had a certain dream though. One that hasn’t changed, and I think that’s because it’s in the heart of every human being. I dream of being pursued. Of having an amazing individual decide that I’m worth the time and effort.

Of all of my dreams this is the only one that has and possible will ever come true. And honestly that has to be okay with me. I’m not guaranteed any of my dreams, but I am guaranteed this.

I have a God in heaven who pursues me. A God who makes me want to be the best version of myself without making me feel like I need to be the best version of myself.

Posted in Lazy Mondays, Relationship | 1 Comment

Lazy Monday: STUFFED

Stuffed: full, not hungry.

I don’t know what it is about birthdays, but everyone decides they want to feed you whenever you turn a year older. Congratulations, you’ve wasted another year of your life! Can you feel your metabolism slowing down? Do you feel yourself slinking towards death? Why don’t we speed up that process by giving you all of your favorite foods all at once!

I love food, I really do…. but my arteries are cursing me. Oh, the fatty food’s I’ve been eating….

My wardrobe is cursing me as well. I need to start doing more jumping jacks if I’m going to eat like this…

A special thanks to:

My wonderful Mother!- Who made me meatloaf and jello(and asparagus and baked potatoes) and strawberry-rhubarb pie after I got off work on my actual birthday.

My amazing sister, Anna!- Who intended to take me to ihop before we went to give blood(I know right! I GAVE BLOOD!) but ended up just taking me to Mcdonalds. (I GAVE BLOOD for my birthday guys!!!)

My fantastic, pregnant, sister-in-law Kaytee!- Who flew all the way from Japan to buy me ihop(among other things…)

My stupendous Popsicle!- Who bought the whole family Mexican food. YUM! It was delicious.

My terrific friend(and dapple-ganger) Megan!- Who got me Don & Millie’s. Bacon, Cheese and Beef. I love animals. Did you know you can get 99 cent margaritas there? Yup. But not through the drive thru. We checked.

AND TO EVERYONE ELSE!- Who ate these delicious meals with me(and who would have eaten them if they could have). Namely my brothers Joshua and Timothy(and Joaanaaaaaa), who even though they didn’t feed me, were there to celebrate.

I’m the luckiest 19 year old out there. I have such a brilliant group of family and friends. I know I will never starve.

Needless to say, I eat lunch with my dad on Mondays and I’m stuffed. My parents left to go eat supper without me and I’m debating not making anything for myself so I can just get back down to a comfortable level of full-ness. Just kidding there are avocados in the fridge. but seriously.

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Lazy Monday: CHILL OUT

Chill out: Calm down, stop freaking out, pipe down, take a chill pill, calm yo self, hold your horses, shut up.

You know those people that you just want to smack upside the head? Yeah me too. I don’t like checking facebook because I always read posts that make me want to say one of the above things.

I sit on my couch with my food and my feet up reading posts. I run across something like

“Stop trying to change me. I refuse to be anyone but myself”

and I’m like. calm down, bro. Calm down. Nobody’s tryin’ to change you, bro. bro? brooooo…

Some people think they’re being courageous and taking a stand of individuality when in all actuality they’re getting worked up over nothing.

The way I see it, we’re all trapped in the prison cell that is life. Some of us have been trapped for a while and we know that there’s no way to get out so we don’t even try. And these poor suckers come along and they haven’t figured it out yet so they raise a ruckus and they try to break free. All the noise and whatnot just annoys the rest of us. In a mild sort of way. Because lets be real, folks, who gives a crap?

In my life I’m learning something about myself. I have to fake outrage a lot. I don’t get worked up a lot. Life goes on, you know?

List of facebook/twitter posts that Grace will gloss over and say “chill out bro”

1. Posts that take a stand against an imagined threat. “I’m going to be myself and anyone who doesn’t like it can suck it!”

calm down.

2. Posts that express excessive amounts of stress over events that are going to happen regardless of said post. “OMG big test tomorrow! SO stressed!”

Shouldn’t you be studying instead of tweeting? Pipe down.

3. Any post that comments about the weather. “It’s snowing. :((((((((((”

calm yo’self.

4. Posts complaining about other people. “Argh! My llama stole my boyfriends cell phone!”

what the…. calm down!

5. Any post complaining about life in general. “I’m so tired I almost fell asleep in class!”

Oh yeah? I woke up at 4:30 AM and went to work for 12 hours. take a chill pill. and maybe a caffeine pill too…

6. Anything in all caps. “ZOMG CATS I LOVE CATS CATS CATS CATS!!!!!!!!!!”

no. shut up.

Posted in Girl-ness, Lazy Mondays | 1 Comment

Lazy Monday: VALLEYS

Valley: A depression. A low point in land, emotion, relationship, etc.

Just to preface this post, my sister got married last Saturday. For her wedding she did all the flowers and stuff. One of my duties as bridesmaid was to help make all the boutonnieres and crap. I poked my index finger with the florists wire and it ended up being infected. My finger hurts like hell, so this is going to be a pretty short post. Hope I don’t get mrsa in my wounded finger tomorrow at work… just a thought.

I’m going to be real and tell y’all that I’m in a valley right now. If I were going to slap an excuse on it I would say I’m too exhausted to pursue my relationships right now(especially my relationship with God) but the truth is that I’m just lazy. The fact of the matter is that it’s easier to give in to sin than to take the high road. I’m tired. I don’t make an effort to pursue my godly relationships or my relationship with God so basically I’m not taking steps I should be taking. It’s been a few weeks since I cracked open my bible and actually studied it. So yeah.

Getting real on lazy Mondays. What else can I say? Congrats to my dear sister Bek for finally tricking someone into marrying her(lol jk). God is doing great things in your life, dearie, and I am so happy for you and Daniel.

I have to go do laundry and remake my bed… So I’m going to end with a final thought that I’ve been thinking about since yesterday at church.

The woman in Luke 7, who is said to be a prostitute, came to Jesus and washed his feet with her hair. Apparently back then hair was super sensual and to let down your hair in front of a man who wasn’t your husband was a divorce-able offense. yet this woman came to JESUS and washed his feet with her hair.

What does this say about how I, Grace Joy, should be approaching my savior?

Posted in Lazy Mondays, Relationship | 2 Comments

Lazy Monday: ERRANDS

Errand: A menial task that takes longer to drive to the location than to actually do business.

For example. Going to the bank to cash checks. Grocery shopping. Getting gas in one’s car. Picking up books from the library. Dropping off books at the library.

These are particularly annoying to me because I work strange hours. I can’t do half these things before work and who the heck wants to go shopping after working a twelve hour shift? Doing it on my days off is out of the question. Hence the lazy in Lazy Mondays. I guess I should go put gas in my car because I really am not going to want to do it tomorrow before work and I can’t procrastinate it any longer. I wonder if I wear a really big winter coat… Well it can’t be helped.

Moral of this story. I hate errands. Errands suck. When I”m rich and famous I’m going to hire a butler to do all this stuff for me. Actually what makes these things so horrible is that I get so bored doing them. I drive and listen to the same dry old songs on the way there. I spend five minutes at the place and then I drive for more minutes and listen to even more stupid stuff. It’s like “why the heck did I put pants on for this.” I should put audio books in my car to make is more interesting. Maybe then I won’t hate errands so much…. I don’t know.

What errands do you hate? Please, ease the monotony!

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Too Lazy for Lazy Monday

I was fully intending to post a Lazy Monday post this past Monday but as it turns out I got too lazy. I recently downloaded a Nintendo 64 emulator onto the old computer so for the morning time I was playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The epitome of laziness right there. Then I was texted by one of my high school friends Megan(who just happens to be my twin in every way except for the ways that count. See side note A) and asked if I wanted to go play more video games with her at her house(these of an athletic nature. She has a Kinect.) I agreed and before I knew it I was prancing around her basement dodging obstacles. Then we decided to go to Disney land because neither of us had been. So we popped in the disk and had all our magical dreams come true. Lo and behold, I glanced at the clock and it was 9pm the night before a work day. Alas, I went right home to bed. No Lazy Monday post. J’etais trop paresseuse.

SIDE NOTE A: Megan and my’s first indication that we were twins happened in second year French when we sat in the same chair in the same class only different periods. Mme Lefler consistently called me Megan. For the first month this puzzled me deeply until Mme told me why she was so often confused. I later told the story to my friend and long story short we found that Mme confused us with each other(or at least me for Megan.) Later that year during show choir competition season my own father would watch my show and constantly be watching Megan thinking she was me. Then we had a Human Behavior class together Junior year and that teacher called Megan ‘Grace’ more than once or twice. The crowning jewel came on Monday when Megan’s Kinect recognized me as Megan and was extremely confused by the two of us. I guess we look alike or something.

SIDE NOTE B: It’s the 27th of February and I’m three chapters from the end of Surprised by Joy. I read probably half of the book this morning. I couldn’t put it down. C.S. Lewis is so frank about humanity that it’s equal parts shocking and refreshing. The book is almost purely anecdotal, yet Lewis contrasts his atheistic lens and his post-conversion lens. I love it. I love love love it. He also does a wonderful job of defining joy and how it is different from lust(not merely sexual lust.) and happiness.

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Lazy Monday: VEGGING

Vegging: The act of sitting around and doing nothing. The process of becoming a vegetable.

This is my day and will be my tomorrow and my Wednesday. Just vegging. Enjoying a few days of peace before the big snow storm hits and I have to go back to work. I really have nothing to say. All my inspiration of the week has taken flight and gone away.

Yesterday I was at walmart to pick up a few things when I accidentally spent $50. oops. I really needed some nyquil and cough drops and athletes foot medication and new socks and more vitamins and acne wash though…. not so much the slipper socks, but can you blame me? I forgot to get a new tooth brush. Which was what I went to walmart to get initially. oops. this weekend I’m going to go to wichita to spend time with my sis before she marries the love of her life. I”m so happy for them…

Sorry for the lateness of this lazy post. I’ve been truly lazy. At least I delivered. Happy Monday.

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The Cardigan-Wearing Type

I’m not really sure how much I’ve shared on this topic, but I’m kind of a hater when it comes to the christian stereo-type. I was that person in high school who hung out with the stoners because they were the only people who accepted me for who I was. I tried to hang out with the “christian” group or, as I not-so-affectionately call them, the Cardigan Wearers, but I didn’t really click with them. I was shy and had massive trust issues and none of the people who were with that group took the time or effort to get to know me despite my problems. I’m not sure if it was in my head or not, but I didn’t really like going to prayer group and I never even tried pizza Wednesday because I felt like I wasn’t good enough for the Cardigan Wearers and that was why I wasn’t friends with any of them.

yeah. Teenagers are pretty messed up.

Part of what God really showed me last semester was that I’m a new creation(I’ve blogged about this, I KNOW. So you can go back in the archives and find the full story on that) and I am being renewed every second of every day.

Cardigan wearers always seemed so fake to me. They weren’t an emotional mess like I was, they had perfect little masks they put on like they didn’t have any problems. I hated that. I felt like I would never be able to connect with any of them because they put their masks on and weren’t real with each other. If there’s anything I’ve always been pretty strict about it’s being real with people. I hate a fake. I hate the facade. (Ironically enough, my facade is almost an antique I’ve had it for so long.)

coming back to the present day, a few weeks ago I bought a cardigan because I have a lot of really cute short sleeved shirts and no long sleeved shirts. I figured instead of buying a bunch of long sleeved shirts I could just buy one cardigan and wear my summer shirts all year round.Picture0214132058_1

It’s true the cardigan is the most adorable thing ever, but as I was walking up to navs this evening I felt like I was being the most deceptive person in the world. I hate Cardigan Wearers! I’m totally not a Cardigan Wearer! Yet here I am wearing a cardigan. Life can be so strange. Sometimes we look like the cardigan wearing type when we obviously aren’t!

Yet the more I thought about cardigan wearers and I thought about the new me that has been redeemed and renewed by Christ the more I felt at home in my new cardigan. Except I’m not lying by presenting the face of innocence and perfection. Yeah okay, I’ve been a few places and done a few things in my short 18.99 years that are less than perfect and definitely don’t fit in with the cardigan, but that stuff doesn’t define who I am. That stuff was washed away the second I gave it to Christ.

Now I just pray I still have compassion for those who are still riddled with guilt and can’t let themselves be washed clean like old, high school me. I never want to give off the “I don’t care” vibe.  Not caring is for…. people who don’t care…? I don’t know…

Moral of this story…. You wear that cardigan!

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