Lazy Monday: Time

Time is precious. If you want to see what’s really important to someone look at where they spend their time.

I work.

And work.

And work some more.

On an average day I spend 8-10 hours sleeping, 30 minutes driving, 12 hours working, and maybe 10-15 minutes reading my bible. Maybe an hour with my parents/doing misc. things around the house.

On my days off I sleep and read. Or pick up at work.




Am I so addicted to my money and my future that I don’t spend any of my time doing things that I love to do? I am wildly unhappy and exhausted all for what?

well… some letters behind my name. Five, the be exact.


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Early to Bed, Late to Rise

I swear half of my posts are later than I would like them to be. This is actually a lazy Wednesday post. I was having some hard core girl time with mah gurl Allison on Monday and I kind of blew off the blog post and also the pot luck at work. So no food and no blog post. Sorry. I was busy. (Lol I just typo’d busty. hah that too, but that’s irrelephant.)

I’ve been doing this thing lately where I’ll come home from work, eat supper, sit in the same room as my parents for about an hour before I either fall asleep on the couch or go downstairs just in time to fall into my bed. I don’t know what it is about Tuesdays, but I’ve done this three Tuesdays in a row. The first Tuesday I was watching a movie with my mom and dad and I ended up sleeping on the couch that night because I fell asleep in the middle of it(The Secret Life of Sherlock Holmes, or something dumb like that). Last week I literally went to sleep at 7:30, although I had an excuse: I started my new job last Wednesday(GO ME!)). Yesterday I tried to stay up and have some quality time with the rents. I really did. It just got to 7:30 and I was like, I’m sorry I can’t do this any more. So I went to bed. And promptly slept until noon.

I should be the most rested person in the world by now. But I’m really not. I am dead on my feet most of the time. I need to take up drinking coffee in the morning or something.

Any suggestions?

Posted in Random Anecdotes | 2 Comments


Geekophobia: The fear of all things geek.

So I have this coworker that watches 16 and Pregnant and all those really lame reality tv shows that are everything wrong with this country. The other day I was working and made a comment to a resident about watching Doctor Who. (The resident was a whovian too). My coworker said:

“What’s Doctor Who?”

I responded with:

“Oh it’s a sci-fi show. Kind of along the same line of Star Wars and Star Trek… It’s about time travel.”

To which she said:

“Oh wow. You’re really weird.”

And so I said:

“Let’s call it what it is: I’m a geek.”

I tend to get the response of disbelief and disdain from people a lot when I tell them I like the things I like. Wait, what? A girl like you likes Star Trek? And it’s not because Chris Pine is a babe? Whaaaaat, you like Doctor Who? Whaaaaat you like Star Wars? Whaaaaat you would go to comicon?

At first glance it looks like these people think they’re better than me. Which may or may not be true. But I think deep down these people are terrified because they don’t understand what’s going on in geeky things. I love these shows because space, and time travel, and the origin of the universe intrigue me. I love that they reference science-y stuff and that it challenges me to learn more.

Like Petrichor.

It’s a new-ish word for the scent of the earth after rain…. Petrichor.

So, my dear coworker. Don’t be afraid. I just like gaining random tidbits of knowledge. Don’t hate. Don’t be a geekophobe… We’re normal people just like you… Except we know how to hardcore fangirl… but that’s a different story.

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Lazy Monday: Reading and Sin

“The sensualist, I’ll allow ye, begins by pursuing a real pleasure, though a small one. His sin is the less. But the time comes when, though the pleasure becomes less and less and the craving fiercer and fiercer, and though he knows that joy can never come that way, yet he prefers to joy the mere fondling of unappeasable lust and would not have it taken from him. He’d fight to death to keep it. He’d like well to be able to scratch: but even when he can scratch no more he’d rather itch than not.”

-C. S. Lewis The Great Divorce

I love to read. I really truly do. I love beginning a new book, I love the feeling of being lost in a book. I love the contentedness I feel at the end of a good book when all is right with the world. I love reading.

Historically reading has been an escape for me. If I’m bored with my life I can read an adventure and all of a sudden life isn’t boring any more. If I’m discontented with my life I can read a book about someone who has a life I would rather have and for the time that I’m trapped in those pages I’m a different person. I can escape the misery of my own life and trade it for fiction.

The problem with this type of reading is that once the book is over I always find myself more miserable than I was to start out. So to fill the hole that was only widened by my venture into book #1, I desperately seek book #2. And 2 becomes 20 becomes 200 and I am left with a really big itch that I can scratch no more.

And I find myself asking this question: Would I rather itch than not?

I have found that discontent is a sin that 100% of human beings struggle with. The devil feeds on discontent. I’m discontent in my singleness, I’m going to sell myself short. I’m discontent in my wealth, I’m going to be a greedy greedy-face. I’m discontent with life, I’m going to end it.

I’m discontent with life so I’m going to escape into a book.

I’ve been convicted a lot recently about being content in my circumstances. A direct result of that is a dramatic decrease in the amount of fiction I read. I try to get back into it, I really do. But books become less appealing when I stop comparing my life to them. Conversely, I hate how I feel after reading certain types of books. I find myself desiring a life that isn’t mine and when the book is over I itch!

My reading nightstand has probably four non-fiction books and two fiction books on it at the moment. I’m trying to read the fiction. I really am. But oddly my tastes have changed. I don’t really like crawling into bed with mosquitoes. I’d rather not itch.

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Matthew 6:5-6
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners <<to be seen by others>>. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

We’ve all read these words. We create in our minds these images of crazy people praying loudly on the street corners. Guys in funky hats praying in a crowd and peeking a look to see who’s watching and saying “Ooh look at that man in a funky hat, he must be such a good man, he’s praying in public!”..

Nowadays we don’t have synagogues or really even street corners. We don’t have people who regularly go out in public and pray. That isn’t something that happens in modern America. So what the heck does this passage mean?

The overarching question is this: What do the hypocrites do? Who aren’t we to be like?

To answer this question we have to figure out where our synagogues and street corners are. I have a suggestion. Social media.

This is where everyone’s lives intersect. You can find literally anyone with only a few exceptions on the internet. My mom has a facebook…. Holy gee whiz. So basically if you were to show off to people you would post it on facebook or twitter or instagram or… your blog…

At this point I’m going to go a little off the beaten track and talk about Jesus. Jesus isn’t saying “Don’t pray in public”. Obviously it’s recorded in the bible that Jesus prays in front of people. He prayed while hanging on the cross. That wasn’t exactly a private moment. So either Jesus is a hypocrite or there’s more to this than merely praying in public.

It comes down to motive. The hypocrites pray in public to receive the praise and recognition of men while we are commanded to go into a figurative closet and pray to an audience of one.

I, for one, am guilty.

It’s so easy when you’re praying in front of people to get caught up in “I’m gonna say this and this and this because all those people will them ‘hmmmm’ and ‘yessss’ and ‘amen’.” And when people agree with your prayers it feels good because you feel like you’re such a big, good christian.

You hypocrite!

So parting questions that I want answers to in the comments:

1: What is the difference between hypocritical praying in public and biblical praying in public?

2: In what ways can we avoid being like the hypocrites?

3: How ought we respond to the hypocrites?

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Lazy Monday: GODARD

I am holding in my hands a photocopy of a photocopy of a piece of music copyright 1893. I would do almost anything to get my hands on the original for the singular purpose of the other songs in that collection.

When my sister Anna was a wee lassie she learned a piano song. Her piano teacher photocopied one of her pieces and gave it to Anna as a gift. Piracy? Maybe. But probably not considering what I am about to tell you.

This piece, which I photocopied the photocopy of, is in fact Benjamin Godard’s La Lanterne Magique III (Opus 66) No. 6.- Marcel Le Huguenot.
I have searched high and low on the interwebs and I have found naught of this piece save that it exists.

Part of me is thrilled, like “I’ve played this song and only one other living individual has ever played it!” and the other part(the overwhelming part) is deeply saddened that the world at large will never experience the brilliance of this piece.

On top of this sadness is a deep desire to get my hands on all six pieces in La Lanterne Magique III… or rather the other five that I don’t possess. Although my photocopy has a lot of handwritten notes on it. I haven’t much hope. I am so sad right now.

Posted in For the Love of Music | 4 Comments


In case you haven’t noticed Lazy Mondays haven’t exactly been happening. This is because Monday is no longer my lazy day. I have been going to a bible study at my church on Monday nights. What a plan changer, right? Well so yeah lazy lazy lazy.

But here’s the really disappointing thing. I’ve been eating so much fast food lately. Like I’m blowing my budget and my diet all in one. ARGH! Basically I’m going to die fat and alone. Just fact. It will happen.

Speaking of which. You know those girls from high school. Yeah those ones. With 3%  body fat that you could put their clothes on an ironing board and and it would have the same proportions…. yeah. I went to a high school concert the other weekend and I saw all those girls and I was like “I know something you don’t know! In a year you’re going to have 5-10 pounds hanging off your lower abdomen and I’m going to laugh.”

I’m such a nice person.

But it’s a fact. Even if you don’t gain the freshman 15 your body freaking changes. I’m at the freshman -5 and I’ve gained a few pants sizes. When I look at myself I feel like this lady.

hercules 2

like whaaaaaat. I don’t actually look like that. I just feel like I do.

Back to the point. I’m going to die fat and alone because I can’t get this stupid fast food addiction under control. And the dying will probably come sooner rather than later because of all of the grease. And the alone thing is because nobody loves a fast food addict. duh.


I should go to Fast Food Anonymous meetings….

Posted in Lazy Mondays | 3 Comments

Lazy Monday: BUFF

Warning!!!: This post is the definition of lazy Monday. I’m coming up with this on the fly and may or may not convey something. I had something brilliant in my brain this morning but I can’t think of it any more!!!!

Buff: Strong, ripped, muscular, looking good in a bikini.

It’s officially summer in Nebraska(We skip spring quite frequently) and I am NOT READY! I’ve never been one to worry about what I look like, but there comes a time in every teen girl’s life where she realizes she doesn’t look that great and starts freaking out and exercising and dieting. I think I’m at that point.

Not only is it swimsuit season, but I’m also going to be in my beautiful bff’s wedding(to my brother) and I want to look good….

Right now I kind of look like a marshmallow that’s been impaled by a pretzel. Thin on the ends and squishy in the middle. Because of my job I do a lot of walking and heavy lifting. If only sit ups were a requirement of my job as well.

In conclusion: I am ripped, but not everywhere…. I can lift a 300 lb person but I can’t do a situp to save my life. This is a problem….

Operation diet and exercise starting…. NOW! well once I finish my April(The Problem of Pain by C. S. Lewis)

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Faith and Prayer(Or Post of Twos)

Hebrews 11:6-”And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

I read this verse over my early morning breakfast(Not to be confused with second breakfast. Second breakfast happens during a 15 minute break at work.) and I was spiritually backhanded to the face… For two reasons.

1. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists...”

In order to please God you must do these two things… first believe that he exists. Say whaaaaa? I never reflect on the fact that it pleases God that I simply acknowledge his existence.

2. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Yesterday I was praying on the way to work(after breakfast but before second breakfast) and I was praying for my friends and making a monumental step in my relationship with God. As I was praying I found myself asking God for two things. One unselfish and the other quite selfish. This selfish request has been an idol in my heart for the majority of my life. In praying I quoted the above verse(not knowing where it was found) and almost jabbed my finger in God’s chest “You promised!…..”

And in that moment my heart softened and I found myself praying “But God, if I had to give up this selfish desire that you might be glorified in the unselfish…. I would be totally cool with that.”

And in that moment one more idol was torn down in the heart of Grace Menter.

So this morning when I read that verse my mind went automatically back to my hasty, desperate, pleading prayer that was trying to cheat God out of a blessing…. And a profound question was raised in my mind.

Do I believe that God rewards those who earnestly seek him?

Not only this but it says that without faith that God does such it’s impossible to please him! I was pleading in the car and at that point God was probably like “Why are you begging? I’m insulted that you feel like you have to ask twice. I am not amused. You should know that I want to give you these things. Why don’t you know this?”

So often I come to God and I’m like “God you can do this so you should! Because you should!” when, if I’m interpreting correctly, I should be coming with a different kind of confidence: the confidence of right relationship. Like a kid would ask a favor from their dad. “God, I know that we are locked in a relationship centered around mutual earnest pursuit and because of this I know that you want to give me something nice. Like maybe some diamonds or something. Well can I hint about what I want?”

And the great part is that God rewards himself and rewards me at the same time because when you are locked in earnest pursuit your desires become the same as those of the one you are pursuing.

Holy double win, batman!

Posted in Relationship, Religion | 1 Comment

Lazy Monday: Momentous vs. Trivial

Momentous: Huge, Significant, Important. e.g. The decision to drop the atomic bomb, The creation of the universe, The destruction of the dinosaurs, Christ’s death and resurrection…

Trivial: not momentous. e.g. What you had for lunch(hopefully), who won the superbowl, how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood,…

My decision to cut my hair….

Granted I haven’t cut my hair in four years and it WAS down to my natural waist, but let’s be real…. Who cares if my hair is long or short. Well aside from me and my future sister-in-law….

I’ve been thinking about cutting my hair ever since the beginning of March when my sister got married. She said “Nope, you aren’t chopping your hair off before my wedding!” So I didn’t do it then…. Well lately I’ve been on an Elizabeth McGovern kick and she has the exact hair I wanted…. so my desires to cut my hair were once again aroused.

Tim proposed to Joanna, who was in fact the person I entrusted with the task of smacking me in the face if I ever seriously thought about cutting my hair. Well considering she will be marrying my brother I asked her if I could cut my hair before her wedding. She gave her blessing instead of smacking me like I’d asked her to do. I agonized for about two weeks and finally this morning… well…

This happened.




Do I like it? I don’t know. Do I regret it? I really don’t know. Do I miss my long hair? Yes. Does it make me almost want to start sobbing when I see those ponytails that some child will eventually wear? YES! A thousand times yes! And I’m selfish. I want to attach those back to my own hair. But I can’t. It’s done…. Oh well….. it’ll grow back.

I’m getting a fresh start without damage. I should be happy. Well I am. Kind of.

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